How Perinatal Behavioral Health Coaches Change the Lives of New and Expecting Parents

By Dr. Jessica Gaulton, MD, MPH, Founder and CEO at FamilyWell

My journey into motherhood was clouded with unexpected challenges that took a significant toll on my mental health. As a neonatology trainee, I faced the intense demands of my profession while navigating the overwhelming realities of new motherhood. Anxiety and panic attacks became frequent, signaling the onset of postpartum depression, and it took me far too long to recognize my symptoms. Despite all of my experience as a physician, the healthcare system failed me. After going through this intensely difficult time with very limited support, I realized the profound need for specialized and accessible support for new mothers, and decided to start FamilyWell

Our coaches are making a difference

Since our founding, we have partnered with numerous practices and witnessed the immense impact of integrating perinatal behavioral health services directly into OB clinics. Within our care model, the mental health support provided by FamilyWell’s coaches has stood out as one of the most effective ways to provide ongoing care to parents who are struggling.

So what is a Perinatal Behavioral Health Coach? 

Perinatal Behavioral Health Coaches are professionals certified through our PBHC Program, and are equipped to support mothers and birthing people through the emotional highs and lows of pregnancy and through the first year postpartum. They are not traditional mental health providers; in fact, coaches come from diverse backgrounds, and include doulas, lactation consultants, and parents who often have lived experience with perinatal mental health disorders. Perinatal Behavioral Health Coaches work directly with parents to provide emotional support, validation, mental health education, concrete coping tools, and wellness strategies. Every one of our coaches is deeply passionate about helping new and expecting parents thrive. A FamilyWell client recently shared,

“My coach has been so supportive throughout my prenatal and postnatal journey. I can’t say enough about her professionalism, care, relatability, and advice. Working with her has been everything I needed.”

The impact of our coaches also extends beyond the individuals they’re supporting. We’ve seen how their work reduces the incidence and severity of postpartum depression, anxiety, and other perinatal mental health conditions, which ultimately benefits their babies, families, and communities as a whole.

How are they different?

What sets Perinatal Behavioral Health Coaches apart is their ability to offer accessible, personalized care. Every parent's journey is unique, and so are the challenges they face. Perinatal Behavioral Health Coaches specialize in addressing the unique emotional and psychological needs of mothers during pregnancy and the postpartum period, coming from a place of compassion and empathy, often driven by their own experiences. They offer flexible and virtual support, typically available outside the standard hours of traditional mental health care, making it easier for new parents to get help right when they need it most. 

What can I expect from a Perinatal Behavioral Health Coach?

PBHC Coaches provide a variety of services tailored specifically to the challenges of motherhood, ensuring personalized and ongoing care that adapts to the changing needs of their clients. Some examples include:

  • Emotional Check-Ins: Planned sessions to regularly monitor mental well-being and address emerging concerns.

  • Coping Strategies: CBT-driven techniques and tools to manage stress, anxiety, and other emotional challenges.

  • Practical Advice: Guidance on handling daily stressors, from managing sleep deprivation to navigating the demands of breastfeeding.

  • Resource Connection: Information on additional support services and resources, such as lactation consultants or support groups.

How can someone become a coach?

The shortage of mental health providers is a well-documented issue, and this scarcity is particularly acute in maternal mental health care. Perinatal Behavioral Health Coaches help bridge this gap by providing timely and accessible support. Recognizing this need, we recently launched the first Perinatal Behavioral Health Certification (PBHC) Program aimed at increasing the number of qualified coaches in the field, which will expand access to mental health support for new and expecting parents globally.

Our program welcomes people from all backgrounds, and participants are not required to have clinical experience to enroll. After completing this program, participants will be equipped with the necessary skills to support pregnant and postpartum individuals suffering from PMADS, including depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, among others.

Interested in becoming a coach? Enroll in our certification program today


FamilyWell Launches Coach Certification Program to Expand Mental Health Support for New Parents